After you sign up, you will be added to the PARK(ing) Day Philadelphia Google Group where the most up to date communications will be delivered. Sign-up form below.
All teams are accepted, however park locations may vary. Locations are accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
A parking spot measures approximately 7 feet by 20 feet (maximum), anything smaller than this dimension is acceptable.
Use our design guide template to help your team get started with your PARK(ing) spot.
Please abide by all parking regulations. If you're unsure, take a photo of the parking sign and send it to
Stay informed on all things PARK(ing) Day Philadelphia, consider joining our Google Group.
Submit all required forms (waivers and COIs) by August 30th to PARK(ing) Day Philadelphia online (upload all scans or PDFs).
Anyone can host a spot for PARK(ing) Day, including activists, artists, architects, local businesses, and individual citizens. All event day participants are asked to sign a waiver and provide a Certificate of Insurance.
If you can't find the answer, send your inquiry to
Absolutely nothing! Participants report spending everything from $0 to several hundred dollars on the materials for installations in their spots, with most on the lower end of the scale. The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) has also waived the need to pay for the parking spots during the day. We send a list of parks to the City and PPA in August, and they work with us to help make the day a success!
A few...
There must be a barrier between your park and the vehicular travel lanes, and the barrier must be tall enough (4 feet and above) that a driver can see it ad know not to swerve into your park.
No commerce or overt advertising can occur in the park. It's okay to advocate for an issue, or to say "This park brought to you by XYZ Organization," but parks cannot look like trade show booths.
No food, beverage, or merchandise distribution at your park location. This would require additional permitting beyond what is established for this event.
Park construction cannot encroach on vehicular travel lanes, at any height.
Review the PARK(ing) DAY PHL design guide template to help your team get started with understanding the boundaries of your PARK(ing) space.
Stay away from corners.
Parks can only be in the space when it's legal to park a car there. If the space is subject to rush hour, loading zone, handicapped or valet restrictions, then the park is subject to the same restrictions.
Rule of thumb: if you can park a car in it, you can have a park in it.
Maintain one (1) park per block, check the constantly updated PARK(ing) Day Map for available locations.
Sign-ups are on a first come, first serve basis. So pick your location today!
Submit all required materials to receive your team's NO PARKING signs, forms are distributed to teams upon sign-up.
We hand out "no parking" placards a 1-2 weeks before PARK(ing) Day, and you can post these at your space ahead of time. If your space is on Chestnut or Walnut Streets, just be ready to go as soon as the rush hour restrictions end, and you should be fine. Also, we ask for all teams to be flexible--if you post your placards at your location and a driver disregards the placard, go to the next closest available space. The PPA is willing to cooperate with us but they/we don't have the resources to tow for PARKing) Day.
We haven't turned away any team. However, we ask that all sign-ups and team materials are completed and submitted by August 30th.